continues the unending war against multiple factions that threaten Super Earth. It's the duty of every man, woman, and child to help defend Super Earth against intergalactic threats, which results in a new war starting every time the previous one ends. Among the threats to Super Earth that the citizens find themselves in a cycle of wars with are the Cyborgs. However, doesn't have Cyborgs as a faction, and there's a reason behind that — one that might be disturbing to most.
has two factions facing Super Earth. The Terminids, or the Bugs, are giant insects with a weakness to fire. And the Automatons, or the Bots, are arguably the deadlier faction since they have more armor and more firepower. Although a third faction was added later in the case of (The Illuminate), which also launched with two factions, it's unlikely that a third faction added to would be Cyborgs, leading to theories as to where they went in the events leading to the sequel.
The Cyborgs from weren't wiped out as a result of endless wars with Super Earth. Instead, it's likelythey became Automatons, fully adapting into robots from their Cyborg state. In some ways, this isn't surprising. Even sympathizing with Cyborgs was enough to get somebody in big trouble with the government of Super Earth. As such, the best option for their survival would've been to join the Automatons, who had a common enemy with them. Since both the Cyborgs and Automatons use the same symbol for their factions, it's even likelier that they joined forces between and .
Considering the treatment that Cyborgs received from Super Earth, their secession was practically inevitable. While it's not clear what sort of treatment the first Cyborgs were given by citizens of Super Earth that led to secession, once they conducted a large-scale terrorist attack that may have resulted in thousands of deaths, Super Earth used that explosion to wage its first war against the Cyborgs. As such, there must've been tensions between these factions