New space survival game offers a rich terraforming experience, with the ability to explore and gather resources from the large open world of an unforgiving planet. Whether playing alone or with friends, the game offers a chance to witness a planet transform into a world that is lush and habitable for human life. Starting out in a dark and frightening land where oxygen levels quickly deplete and meteors are a constant threat, players can experience crafting the world around them into a lush and vibrant oasis.
was first launched into early access in 2022 and isnow releasing as a full game, complete with multiplayer, new biomes, and a variety of animals. Player actions directly influence the world they are in, with crafted machines and equipment helping to slowly unlock new possibilities as the planet responds to its transformation. A storyline with numerous narratives can unfold in this space adventure of survival, and each transition in the world creates novel things to see and do.
The Planet Crafter is a space survival game that nicely tracks the evolution of a planet.
The game begins with a crashed ship on a dark and unkind planet, with little to do but try to find ways to create the means to survive with the basics of food, water, and oxygen. Players take on the role of a convict sent to transform the planet into a livable region as a way to serve their jail sentence through labor. Through occasional messages from the home world and others, players get a little bit of gradual information given to them, as they have objectives and challenges to work towards in this strange, foreign world.
Somehow, developers managed to find a nearly perfect balance in nudging players forward while not being too fast-paced to be able to enjoy the beauty and exploration of the game.
By gathering materials and resources that are scattered across the surface of the planet, players can craft tools and machines to fulfill their mission. Exploring the environment leads to the