Plenty of rumors led up to the event stream today regarding The Lord of the Rings: Gollum. Previously it was reported online that players could expect the game in June, but that has since been debunked. However, it looks like players can get their hands on The Lord of the Rings: Gollum a bit earlier. Players are able to get their hands on the game in May, but today, we’re also getting a bit more insight into the game. Developers recently took to a stream to highlight a few areas of the game, and you can view the entire showcase in the video we have embedded above.
Essentially, players are getting a bit more insight into the gameplay experience here. The gameplay experience showcased is a bit lengthy, so we’re getting our first big showcase. Likewise, the visuals of the game world and characters might look a bit different than some players might have expected. This is because we’re seeing the world through the eyes of Gollum. As a result, some characters may be a bit eviler from his point and view.
Of course, you’ll find that the footage is not consecutive. It’s more or less snippets of gameplay footage, so while we are getting a bit more footage, it’s not one endless quest. This way, the developers can highlight more aspects of the game, setting, and even mechanics. But again, since this is considered a beta version of the game, we might see some slight changes to the final product when it eventually launches into the marketplace.
Furthermore, the developers did elaborate on some of the decisions about the storyline and characters, among other notable topics. Such as how this game fits in the term of the novels. In which the developers feel that the game fits nicely after the events of The Hobbit. It’s worth also