R2-D2 and C-3PO have been household names since the robotic duo embarked on a galaxy-saving mission with Luke Skywalker and the rest of the Millennium Falcon crew. Although Star Wars features many lovable human and alien characters, these two droids have been fan favorites due to their sassy friendship along with their dependable nature. With a protocol droid capable of over six million forms of communication and a surprisingly clever and scrappy astromech droid, no challenge was too great for the heroes in the Star Wars saga.
Some spoilers for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, andStar Wars Jedi: Fallen Order ahead.
Droids fulfill a variety of roles in theStar Wars galaxy and possess varying skill sets and degrees of intelligence. From single-minded battle droids with only the most basic programming to highly advanced espionage and assassin droids capable of independent reasoning and improvisation, droids are ubiquitous and an important part of society in Star Wars. Notable, without regular memory wipes, many droids develop unique personalities and attachments, becoming true friends to their allies. While some droids are more useful in a fight than others, droids inStar Wars games tend to be trusty companions that help advance the plot in unusual ways, and these are the best ones introduced in video games.
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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed tells the tale of Starkiller, Darth Vader's secret apprentice who is being trained to eventually help Vader betray and overthrow Emperor Palpatine. To ensure that he's up to the challenge, Starkiller's mission is to hone his skills by defeating Jedi who survived the purge after
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