Pantheon is one of those champions in League of Legends who is exceptional in the meta, but not so much when he gets nerfed. Even then, his early game presence is quite strong, and his laning can be dominant.
As such, the game developers want to make him a bit more viable as they introduce some major Pantheon buffs for League of Legends patch 13.5. These buffs provide him with enhanced base attack speeds, reduced cooldown to his Q, and increased attack speed ratios.
The developers seem to want Pantheon to be more viable in the lane and enhance his early-game presence. It goes without saying that he has always been an early game-focused champion, and receiving buffs in those areas will make him extremely good.
The buffs that Pantheon is receiving in League of Legends patch 13.5 are as follows:
Thus, in terms of buffs received, Pantheon seems to be in an excellent state. While his health regen got reduced a bit, his fighting capability has significantly increased in League of Legends.
The cooldown reduction to his Q ability will also make him extremely strong. Apart from that, the fact that the mana costs have been reduced means he can spam those abilities more.
These changes within the game seem to focus on support and the toplane. The ability to harass the enemy laner as Pantheon is critical, and the current changes, especially to his Q, will allow him to do that quite effectively.
Although the cooldown of his E ability has increased, it seems that he will get bonus AD (Attack Damage) and MR (Magic Resist) upon using it. This means that players will now be able to use his E ability more as a combat spell instead of a mere disengage tool.
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