More class tuning will occur with the October 29th weekly reset. Our class writers have given estimations of the DPS changes coming tomorrow!
Edit: Updated for Elemental Shaman changes.
Our Class Writers have given us a rough approximation of expected throughput changes with the weekly reset. Some estimates come with rotation, talent or full playstyle changes, so make sure to check out the full hotfix Notes and each individual Class Guide for more details.
Class Tuning for October 29th
Oct 29 Class Tuning
We asked our class writers what the impact of upcoming changes will be for their spec and here are their estimations using sims and theorycrafting!
Estimated ChangesNotes SpecSingle TargetAoE 4%4% 17%20-40%Encounter- and target-count specific. Incredibly high variance on AoE due to Blood Beasts RNG. Also assuming that Vampiric Strike gets hotfixed with Heart Strike. Balance Druid5%2%Going to shuffle a few talents around. No big gameplay changes from last patch. Restoration DruidNeutralFurther buffs to the often poor Dream of Cenarius talent brings it closer to viability in Mythic+ without solving any of the playstyle issues it can create BM Hunter
(Pack Leader)-5%-2%AoE changes are disappointing given the Developer Note. Priority damage in Mythic+ nerfed BM Hunter
(Dark Ranger)Neutral1.2%AoE changes are disappointing given the Developer Note. Priority damage in Mythic+ nerfed. Marksmanship Hunter
(Sentinel)Neutral1%Sentinel was dominantly ahead, and was buffed slightly on AoE. Marksmanship Hunter
(Dark Ranger)-2.5%1%Dark Ranger was already behind, and it was nerfed more on ST for some reason.. Mistweaver Monk4.7%See NoteExplanation
Aura buffs to Mistweaver healing usually never include increases to our absorb effects, meaning they're usually not able to be translated 1:1 for our overall throughput. With this set of changes, we can expect an almost 5% buff if we change nothing about the talents we've suggested.
For our group healing, builds that relied