Fractured Online has officially launched its free to play, seasonal model.
For those who bought the game, they will all be getting a month of free VIP time (and those who shelled out for lifetime VIP Founder packs got 3750 in Dynamight tokens to spend in the shop on cosmetics). VIP is an optional subscription that gives you some additional reward opportunities and perks, but doesn’t gate access to things for F2P players.
The seasonal model is now live, and this means Season 1 has officially begun. The 90-day season features rewards and challenges, including a reward track. It's not exactly a battle pass, although it is very similar to reward track systems in a number of games, so you'll recognize it when you log in. Free accounts have 100 levels of rewards every season, while VIP accounts get 200. The team broke down what you need to know about seasons and VIP versus free accounts in a recent update to prepare us all for the relaunch. There aren’t many differences at all, but of course, it helps the team to continue development with financial support.
Some of the changes in the launch patch will enable new support for additional languages– German, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish–and the introduction of guild alliances. As far as language support goes, these are live in the relaunch patch, but the team admits that there could be some issues and reached out to the community in case there are some who could help them refine the translations. With the launch of free to play, the shop gets an overhaul with the new cosmetic items, and more features.
The team hasn’t uploaded the full patch notes for the relaunch just yet, but we’ll update with those when they’re available and we can all see what else is in the update. If you haven't checked out Fractured Online before, is this gooing to sway you into giving the game a try?