Arguably the strongest spellcasting Vocation in is the Sage, but you have to unlock this class by leveling up characters or finding a special item. Among the ten other archetypes besides the Hero, Sages are among the strongest characters you can have in your party. However, they are much harder to cultivate than other classes you could have on your team.
The Sage can learn all the spells from the Mage and Priest classes, making them extremely versatile. Anyone with a Sage in their party can use that character as a DPS monster or support teammate from the sheer variety of magic they learn for any situation. Although you are unable to recruit characters in with the Sage role directly, you can get this Vocation sooner than you think.
There are two ways to unlock the Sage Vocation in, by either:
The fastest of these two methods is to hire a character with the Gadabout class to your party as soon as you can. This way, you can easily level them up to 20 as your adventures continue throughout the game's story. Despite the lackluster abilities of this weaker class, you can make this process easier by making a strong party combo in that can function without the Gadabout's help.
The Gadabout class is almost like a joke archetype, spending most turns in combat goofing off and rarely dealing damage or healing your allies. This class is likely the weakest in the game, making it a grind to level a Gadabout character to 20.
When you have a Level 20 Gadabout, go to the Alltrades Abbey area and speak to the Abbot to change their Vocation. You can only change a character's class into the Sage once, and they cannot be changed back.
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake successfully introduces a new generation to one of the best RPGs of all time, along with a host of improvements.
One of the biggest drawbacks of turning a Gadabout into a Sage is how limited Gadabouts are in. This class almost only exists to turn into a Sage, with little to no other redeeming qualities that make Gadabout