The adventures of Goku and his friends have been the subject of many media ever since the manga and subsequent anime debuted. Many credit this franchise with the “first anime boom” that happened in the United States, and they’re not wrong in thinking that. Fast forward to now, and Goku’s journeys have happened in anime, manga, video games, animated movies, and even live-action movies! Oh, but we don’t talk about that last one for legitimate reasons. On the gaming side, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot has not only been a unique look at the anime and its legendary arcs, but its DLC has pulled back the curtain on certain events only lightly touched by the show and its spinoff material.
That brings us to the sixth DLC that Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot will get. It’s called “Goku’s Next Journey,” and it focuses on the anime’s last episode, which focused on a period ten years after the events of the Buu Saga. On the PlayStation Blog, they teased what was to come via its story and highlighted a bit of the gameplay. You can see a glimpse of it below.
First look at Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot's next DLC