Warning: contains a preview for Captain Marvel #37!
During the final battle against Vox Supreme, Captain Marvel used her powers to create a being of sentient energy called Binary. Now, thanks to an incredible mix of DNA and powers, Binary might be the perfect candidate to challenge Carol as Marvel's strongest Avenger.
Carol Danvers became Binary at a very dark moment in her life. After she lost her Captain Marvel powers to Rogue's mutant gift, Carol was kidnapped by the Brood, who wanted to experiment on her unique physiology. However, they unlocked new powers in her, and the unprecedented ability to tap into the energy of a white hole. Carol, now going by Binary, was colder and more ruthless, partly as a result of the loss of emotions following Rogue's absorption of her memories, and partly due to Binary's different physiology. Carol finally exhausted her Binary powers to save Earth during the Kree/Shi'ar War, in Operation: Galactic Storm, which turned her back into a less powerful but more human form.
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In recent stories, the alien conqueror Vox Supreme hunted down all the heroes and heroines who ever bore the name of Captain Marvel, in order to weaponize them. The final battle of the Marvels against Vox Supreme took place on New Hala, where Carol, taking inspiration from Monica Rambeau's use of her abilities, focused her powers and manifested a being of sentient energy that bears an uncanny resemblance to her Binary form. After the battle was won, however, this being did not disappear, as it absorbed traces of DNA and residual energy in the planet's atmosphere, stabilizing itself. A preview for Captain Marvel #37 (by Kelly Thompson, Julius Ohta,
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