Anime is known for having a plethora of inspiring, incredible characters. Most of these characters are in the so-called «springtime of youth», being high schoolers or those on the precipice of adulthood or some other kind of major change. Shonen anime, given its intended demographic of young boys and teenagers has spawned innumerable child characters who are all legendary in their own right.
Characters like Goku, Monkey D. Luffy, and Naruto are introduced in their respective series as children who grow into their greatness, but since they grow older over time, they lose their status as some of the best child characters in anime. So, that begs the question: who are the four most lovable, most interesting child characters in recent anime and why?
The Greatest Slice Of Life Anime Of All Time (February 2022)
First up is Kotaro, the titular character of Kotaro Lives Alone. Given some strange circumstances, the precocious four-year-old lives in an apartment building on his own, and relies on himself for the most part. The adorable youngster speaks in an old-fashioned manner based on the speech patterns of samurai due to the influence of his favourite anime, and gets by on a weekly stipend delivered to him from an unknown «kind person».
While the show is cute, it is definitely not lacking in depth, as the series progresses, it delves deeper into Kotaro's past and ventures into various uncomfortable realms. Kotaro's biggest draw as a character is his positive influence on the world around him as he often renders adults speechless with his pearls of wisdom beyond his years while maintaining an innocence that prevails despite the objectionable and neglectful conditions of his upbringing.
While the series has only had a single episode