The next Yellowstone prequel show 1932 is building its cast with Oscar winner Helen Mirren and Oscar nominee Harrison Ford leading. Co-created by Taylor Sheridan and John Linson, the neo-Western franchise centers on the Dutton family, the powerful owners of the largest ranch in Montana as they contend with various land developers, national parks and bordering Broken Rock tribes for control of the land. Kevin Costner leads the ensemble cast of the mothership Yellowstone alongside Kelly Reilly, Wes Bentley, Luke Grimes and Cole Hauser.
Though initially debuting to mixed reviews from critics, Yellowstone has grown into a critical and viewer powerhouse for the Paramount Network, doubling its audiences with nearly every new season. This success has led to Sheridan inking a major overall deal with ViacomCBS, which spawned the expansion of the franchise with the critically acclaimed prequel spinoff 1883 starring Tim McGraw, Faith Hill and Sam Elliott. As Yellowstone continues to grow, development is underway on two new spinoffs including 6666 and the next prequel 1932 and one is finally building some steam.
Related: Yellowstone: Everything We Know About The 6666 Spinoff And The Real Four Sixes Ranch
Three months after the series was first announced for development, ViacomCBShas brought word that the next Yellowstone prequel 1932 is gaining some ground by building its cast. Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren are officially set to lead the cast for the series, which will explore the Dutton family during the Prohibition era, though no character details were given regarding Ford or Mirren's roles. 1932 is expected to premiere on Paramount+ this December.
Wile Mirren has explored the world of television various times in the past, namely