Wolfenstein is a long-running video game franchise that initially started off as a top-down stealth game in 1981. However, the series changed gears when id Software took the reins of development and turned it into a first-person shooter. At the time, it became one of the few titles that eventually helped popularize the genre.
Since then, the Wolfenstein series has consistently stuck to the first-person shooter format, with the reboot bringing the action to current-gen platforms. Developed by MachineGames and published by Bethesda, Wolfenstein: The New Order ushered in a new era for the series in 2014 and has seen many sequels and spin-offs ever since.
The series has become iconic for its fast-paced first-person shooting and emphasis on action over story. For players looking to get into something similar that provides them with some high-octane fun, here are five games that feature great first-person gameplay, comparable to the Wolfenstein series.
This article reflects the writer's opinion.
Another iconic video game that popularized the first-person shooter genre is Doom, which originally debuted on the Nintendo 64. Since then, the series has evolved spectacularly, mainly in terms of graphics, with it getting a remake/soft reboot in 2016 with id Software’s Doom.
2016’s Doom was hugely popular and led to a sequel, Doom: Eternal, in 2020, which was the final installment in the new series. Much like Wolfenstein’s gameplay, Doom: Eternal includes some very visceral gunplay action, if not more. The motto of 'Rip and Tear' is certainly emphasized in the Doom games, and players can do just that in the latest iteration with high-caliber guns and Glory Kills.
Doom: Eternal brings the story back to a Hell-overrun Earth, where demons have
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