The Pokemon franchise is an enduringly popular video game phenomenon, with decades under its belt alongside many different games, spinoffs, and TV shows. The mainline games may have started to lose steam a little in recent years, with fans worrying that the familiar formula was beginning to turn stale, but with the first installments in the ninth generation of Pokemon video games – Pokemon Scarlet and Violet – on the way, there are a few things players are hoping to see in order to move the series in a new direction.
Pokemon Sword and Shield, the previous eight generation games, were received fairly positively by the gaming community, although some felt that they didn't reach their full potential and failed to truly innovate. There were some controversies swirling around the last games as well, and a less-than-ideal DLC release meant that gamers are really looking for ways Pokemon Scarlet and Violet can improve on their predecessors.
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Fuecoco Could Have a Unique Evolutionary Trait
WithPokemon games' usual practice of offering upgraded re-releases instead of adding significant DLCs starting to become a thing of the past, players are expecting more endgame content and expansions that provide a substantive addition to the core game. The franchise seems to be adopting more traditional gaming practices with the release of Pokemon Sword andShield's expansion pass and the decision to move away from a third updated generation entry, and this was seen by many as a positive move and a promising new direction for the franchise.
The expansions added two hundred Pokemon that could be transferred across from older titles, and this certainly helped assuage fan disappointment after the Pokedex controversy to some