As we prepare for Season of Discovery Phase 4, it has felt like every item has had some huge changes. However, players were relieved to learn that Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker would not be changed. When asked if this iconic sword would be updated in Season of Discovery, WoW Classic Senior Game Producer, Josh Greenfield responded with the following:
No plans to change it. This is one of those items that it sort of feels wrong to change. It's too iconic.
So while we expect the existing stats and/or proc will likely be buffed to ensure Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker is kept relevant, it sounds like no stats are likely to be amended, nor class uses added.
In addition to this statement, Josh Greenfield provided more insight into the team's reasoning for preserving Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker in its original state:
I don't agree. None of the new weapons have been buffed to the point where Thunderfury «needs» a buff. Go compare new vs. old weapons. The dps changed minimally, if at all and we aren't going to see power creep in future tiers to the point where 60dps weapons before will be 80 dps after we change them the power increases will be much more nominal on weapons, just like they are in MC for the most part.
Example of what I mean with the item improvements:
(Old perds) Perdition's Blade
(New perds)
Perdition's Blade
It's definitely improved, but its not massive.
The strength of TF was never its base dps, it was the strength of the proc and honestly, the «cool» factor. Does it lose a bit of *relative* power because tanks got better threat tools? Yes, but it's kind of hyperbolic to say that it is «DoA» or not worth using/crafting as some other replies have suggested. The things it did well it will now do better because of the SoD changes. If you don't want it, okay, but I promise someone in your guild will and be happy to get it.
Even the new Hand of Rag isn't perfectly optimized. You'll