Netflix has announced (Past Lives) and (Narcos) as the leads in its upcoming sci-fi thriller. Directed by Louis Leterrier (Fast X), the film tells the story of a family trapped in their home by an unknown force. As resources run out, they must navigate internal conflicts and the mysterious threat confining them.
Greta Lee and Wagner Moura will star in Netflix‘s upcoming sci-fi thriller 11817. Louis Leterrier, known for Now You See Me and Fast X, directs the film.
The story focuses on a family of four trapped inside their home by an unknown force. As their resources run out, they struggle to survive while confronting both internal conflicts and the mysterious entity holding them captive. The production team plans to start filming in the coming months, though they have not announced a release date yet.
The screenplay for 11817 is written by Matthew Robinson, whose previous credits include Love and Monsters, The Invention of Lying, and more. The production team features Peter Chernin, Jenno Topping, and Kori Adelson of Chernin Entertainment, alongside Oly Obst from 3 Arts Entertainment. Louis Leterrier will also serve as a producer, with Thomas Benski, Cécile Gaget, Lars Sylvest, and Thorsten Schumacher serving as executive producers.
Greta Lee gained recognition for her performances in The Morning Show, Russian Doll, and Past Lives, earning a Golden Globe nomination for the latter. She will appear in upcoming projects such as Tron: Ares and a Netflix thriller directed by Kathryn Bigelow.
Wagner Moura achieved international fame for his portrayal of Pablo Escobar in Netflix’s Narcos. He also appeared in The Gray Man and Elysium. Moura’s upcoming roles include the film Last Night at the Lobster and the series Dope Thief.
11817 features an experienced director, a talented cast, and a survival-driven premise. Updates on the film’s production and release will be provided as progress continues.