The long-awaited trading feature in has proven to be far from satisfactory for many players, but there is a way to remedy this. The game could make a dramatic improvement to its new function simply by following the lead of. ’s fellow mobile title already models a solution that is as simple as it would be effective.
The introduction of trading in has been criticized heavily, and for good reason. Under this system, the rarest (and thus most desirable) cards are incredibly difficult to trade, with two limited resources constraining the mechanic. As a result, the way trading works in is proving to be frustrating and a huge disappointment for many players. However, a future update to the game could also fix this.
’s trading feature revolves around the use of two different resources to enact trades. Trade Hourglasses function like others in the game, as trading requires its own form of stamina. Furthermore, Trade Tokens must be spent in order to trade cards of a higher rarity. The stamina gauge places a bottleneck on the number of trades that can be completed in a single day, but it is the implementation of Trade Tokens that turns trading into the latest frustrating feature in .
As these can only be obtained in limited quantities by exchanging the player’s own high-rarity (at least Three Diamond level) cards, a major problem for many players has quickly become apparent. Namely,in order to trade even a single high-rarity card, many more must be exchanged for tokens, which can rapidly deplete a collection. Of course, this has effectively placed a cap on the number of trades that any player can reasonably make, made worse by the fact that high-rarity cards are the only cards that most people will be interested in trading for.
However, ’s own approach to trading already offers a solution to this issue. ’s own trading, although not perfect, is much easier to use due to it consuming Stardust. Unlike Trade Tokens, Stardust is plentiful in its native game, and can be earned in