sees players moving to an uninhabited island thanks to series regular entrepreneur, Tom Nook. Over time, players develop the island to look and feel unique to them, from the decorations down to terraforming and tree placements. And, over time, the island fills up with villagers who come from far and wide to live in this idyllic location created by the player.
Up to 10 villagers can live on the island alongside the player, but only two villagers are present when the island is first created. These two are called the starter villagers, and they arrive on the island on the same plane as the player. Once players get settled in, they can start seeking other characters to move onto the island. What many players might not realize is that the starter villagers are chosen from a very specific pool of villagers.
players are accompanied to their new home island by two villagers. These villagers are actually predetermined from a list of 57 male villagers and 26 female villagers, based on their personalities.
Every new island will have one male jock and one female big sister type of character. As the name suggests, jock villagers are full of energy and can get obsessive over workouts and fitness. They're often seen running or lifting weights. Big sister personalities, the other hand, tend to be standoffish and rude to the player until they get to know them better. Numbering only 26, the big sister personality is the most underrepresented personality in the title.
There probably isn't a deeper meaning behind Animal Crossing games, but that hasn't stopped fans from coming up with some outlandish theories.
Once the player has been playing for a while, other villagers will begin to move in. There's a specific order for the villagers who move in to the island. There's a specific order for villagers who move in after the initial two. After the initial villagers, the next characters to move in are peppy, normal, and then lazy.
Jocks are always urging players to try their best in