Plot details from Thor: Love & Thunder are kept unspoiled even by an AI system. Love & Thunderis directed by Taika Waititi and features a star-studded cast of Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Christian Bale, Tessa Thompson, Russell Crowe, and Watiti himself. The film will focus on Thor (Hemsworth) reuniting with his ex-girlfriend Jane Foster (Portman) as they fight against Bale villain Gorr the God Butcher as he attempts to exterminate all of the gods.
As of yet, further plot details have yet to be majorly spoiled. There are some details known, of course, including the return of Jane Foster, early looks at Bale’s Gorr villain, and, of course, the now well-riffed-on presence of Thor’s goat chariot. The lack of spoilers speaks well of the actors who, unlike their notoriously-spoiling MCU pal Tom Holland, have been able to keep most details of Love & Thunder under wraps.
Related: Theory: Odin Makes Jane Foster Thor Because Of The Dark World
It looks like spoilers are safe from a popular AI system Dall-E as well. When searching “thor love and thunder spoilers” in this AI search engine, one is met not with shocking plot revelations for the film, but blurry images of Thor and his hammer. He is shown in a series of vague shots of the character amidst lightning, and not much else of any real clarity. Check out the image below:
The AI Thorimages are not only comically disfigured, but they reveal no spoilers about Thor: Love & Thunder. While it is amusing to look at these blotchy renderings of Hemsworth’s Thor, the lack of AI specificity also further speaks to the fact that the actors and creative team behind Love & Thunderhave been able to keep most of the film under wraps. While Thompson previously expressed worry that she