There are a lot of things for players to do in , including trying to collect the thousands of little purple floating globules containing dews of inspiration. Collecting these dews and purifying them with Nikki's purify ability, can go towards getting beautiful new outfits from Kilo the Cadenceborn, so even if players aren't looking to 100% the game, many are still on the constant lookout for these hidden items. Their small size and unusual placements can make them difficult to come by, despite hundreds hiding in each area.
Often, when Nikki comes across one of the large bouncy leaves that are found in the open world, there are some of these dews of inspiration high up in the air, reachable only by using the leaf trampoline. However, players can't see the dews until they are at the top of the jump, andif the purple orbs happen to be behind them, then it can take a lot of spinning to even see that they exist.
Reddit user Inquit recently shared a tip they discovered that makes this a little simpler.Jumping onto the leaf from the point of the leaf will often place Nikki facing the dews of inspiration after she gets in the air, saving players from unnecessary headaches and even the very real possibility of motion sickness. This is especially helpful when players are specifically hunting dews as one of the things to do after beating the current story and are, therefore, making a lot of these jumps close together.
Although the trick isn't guaranteed to work every time, has confirmed that, at least in the Florawish area, most of the time facing straight at the point of the leaf and jumping towards the back end of the leaf will line Nikki up on the first try. There are a few leaves that do have more than one set of dews that can be reached from a leaf, so it is still a good idea for players to take a peek around in some situations.
Infinity Nikki’s loading screen has changed with the arrival of the Shooting Star Season event, and most players are relieved by the update.