There are hundreds of spells in for players and enemies to cast, many of which are lifted directly from. In the transition from TTRPG to video game, many of these incantations have undergone changes to their mechanics and power levels. Many spells have gotten better, and are more useful in combat scenarios.
But others have gotten worse, in some cases significantly. It makes sense thatmany of the open-ended spells in would not work in a more restricted medium,given how much they rely on specific player choice. These 10 spells tend to suffer the most in their comparisons to their counterparts when cast in
Baldur's Gate 3 may have a plethora of powerful, high-level spells, but one low-level spell can be just as powerful if a few items are equipped.
Players can only cast the cantrip once per short rest, and it will only last for one minute, or until it is destroyed. The measly three hit points it has means it will only survive for one or two rounds in a fight at best, and the minute time limit means it can't last very long in exploration, either. The githyanki and Arcane Trickster rogue subclass versions of this cantrip are far better,both invisible and with a longer duration, but the default version of the spell is too limited to stand up to its counterpart.
While is limited by its duration, arcane gate is held back by its range and the size of 's maps. Much like, is a spell intended for covering very long distances, with ranges of 300 or even 500 feet. But the range of each of these spells has been cut down significantly, to 100 feet for and 120 for.
Unlike other teleportation spells, leaves two lasting and connected portals for other creatures to use. The issue with this is that, for a sixth-level slot, the distance this spell covers is not sufficient, and enemies can make use of it, as well. The reason for these decreased distances is likely the smaller scale of 's maps, which is fair, but it does make them inherently less useful than they could be in more varying