Although is one of the world’s most famous action-adventure gaming franchises, one of its earliest titles also gave a glimpse of how the series could have developed into the RPG genre. games have occasionally branched out into other genres, although this has mainly been through spin-offs. The core franchise itself has remained consistent in its basic structure, although actual gameplay has naturally varied dramatically over the years.
games have experimented with many different concepts, from various modes of transportation to increasingly complex abilities for Link to wield. With the core identity of the franchise remaining firm despite all of these changes, it is unsurprising that many have wondered about how a full game in a different genre would play, particularly as a traditional RPG. More than one spin-off title has already demonstrated such shifts are far from unfeasible However, it could be argued that this has already been answered, albeit with a debatable level of success.
was originally released in 1987 in Japan, and then the in US the following year. Unlike its predecessor, was primarily a side-scrolling title, including during combat. In addition to this,the early title utilized an Experience Points system, allowing Link to grow stronger as he defeated more enemies. Collecting enough experience allows Link to increase one of three stats: Life, Magic, or Attack. All can be upgraded to level 8, although it is worth noting that Link can also find additional Heart and Magic containers to further bolster those stats.
was the first game to feature a Magic Meter, a feature which has appeared in several other games including .
’s use of Experience Points and Stats is unique in the series, with no other title allowing Link’s growth to be directed so directly. The mechanic provides a fascinating glimpse at how games may have functioned if the franchise had transitioned fully into producing traditional RPGs. For example, it shows how certain basic stats can