As the antagonist who was behind some of the most horrific events in , William Afton receives the most attention among all the characters who play a role in the series' lore. Since William Afton appears as a villain possessing animatronics in multiple games, he's generally known by players, and they can likely name at least a few crimes he committed purely from their exposure to his narrative being important to most of overall lore. However, there's one character that could've stopped him before he killed so many children, since he seemingly knew about it.
revolves around Fazbear Entertainment and the many forms that the company takes over time, as it ends up being involved with multiple scandals that result from Afton's actions while he's both alive and dead. At first, the games seemed like they relied heavily on jump scares, but when players dug into the small details they noticed while playing, the underlying creepiness of the story itself started to show. To an extent, it seems like William Afton would have committed murder no matter what in his state of mind, but there was a chance to stop him.
Henry Emily is the co-founder of Fazbear Entertainment, but he's never seen in-game despite playing an important role in the series' lore. Afton created the ideas for the characters who would become the mascots of Fazbear Entertainment, but it was Emily who brought those ideas to life by creating the springlock animatronics. Unfortunately, the design of the springlock would end up being the cause of many of Fazbear Entertainment's tragedies; even if Emily hadn't designed them with the intent of harming anybody, the springlock suits would be used to commit multiple murders.
One animatronic, the Puppet, was designed to protect children, but specifically to protect Henry Emily's daughter, Charlotte. However, when Charlotte was locked out of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, William Afton showed up and killed her for reasons that are never explained. The Puppet comes outside to lie