Following the foundational improvements made to needed something to contribute to the lasting success of the game. Delves were that addition, providing a highly flexible form of content directed at solo players. Delves were supported by Blizzard as being a new pillar of end-game content, filling a hole in the range of options players can choose from at max level.
With more delves on the way in Undermined, 's 11.1 content patch, it's safe to say that Blizzard is standing by the addition. Delves have already found their niche as a solution to a long-standing problem, but could use some changes to sustain their continued development and relevance. To further cement delves as a permanent pillar of, Blizzard should look to them as an opportunity to re-implement beloved content and further diversify the content contained within them.
While MMO games thrive off their multiplayer component, there is no denying the sizable base of players who engage with the games solo. Every MMO has this subset of players, and, even if it seems somewhat antithetical to the multiplayer aspect of MMO games, creating content solo players can engage with is paramount for a healthy game. 's recent success in this regard is already being seen through solo players' enjoyment of .
In the past 20 years, World of Warcraft has both grown and branched off into many different iterations, leaving new players wondering where to start.
MMO games often struggle with this goal. Endgame is often centered around group content, so after the initial excitement of leveling and exploring new zones, many players tend to depart. Delves were a perfect solution to this problem. Essentially acting as dungeons with scaling difficulty, more unique objectives, and an NPC companion to help fill party roles, they're a form of solo content that has the benefit of being both replayable and challenging. Delves are a massive benefit to solo players and can offer whatever the player seeks from them, ultimately proving to be a