Oh, to be a house cat. Lazing around from sun spot to sun spot, fawned over by people who tend to your every need. Looking forward to long days where your greatest concern is where the most comfortable spot is to nap. Being told you have the sweetest, fluffiest, most perfect little paws by everyone you meet.
But one day it all goes terribly wrong. A toy is dropped on you from above that throws your calm, soft life into a frenzy. The toy dispenses treats, your treats, treats you have a god given right to, only when aggressively attacked. You must prevail. You bat it across the room, thrilling at the appearance of tasty bites that slip through the toy’s trap. You bat it again, flailing your fluffy body across the floor. More treats appear. You know what you need to do, now. All out assault.
At least, this is what I think my cat’s lives are like. Do they enjoy the treat toy, or is it an adversary in their life? If you’ve ever wanted to experience this turmoil for yourself, The Cat Mitt Game by McMiller is for you.
Made for 2-6 players, The Cat Mitt Game bills itself as a “hiss-sterically bonkers party game”, and also 100% plastic free fun. The goal is to earn points by batting a rubber treat toy across the table until dice come out of it. To begin, each player gets a Kitty Card score tracker. The 28 Treat Cubes are placed inside the ball. Each treat cube has the same 6 treat types, one for each dice face. An order card is flipped over, each card showing a different arrangement of treat types.
Players take turns putting on the provided cotton cat mitts, like shortened oven mitts, and rolling the treat ball around until cubes come out. The active player then has to drag or roll that cube onto their score tracker, matching how the cube faces are shown on the order card, while still wearing the mitts. As this is going on, the player to the left is rolling the two MEOW dice as fast as possible, trying to roll a matching pair of MEOW faces. When they succeed, they shout
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