WhatsApp has unveiled a fresh "Happy New Year" sticker pack, just in time to celebrate the arrival of 2025. This new pack, featuring 10 unique stickers, lets users share festive greetings and well wishes with friends and family as they prepare for the new year. The stickers provide an engaging and lively way to express happiness and spread joy during this season of celebration.
The sticker pack has a file size of 130 KB and is available across multiple platforms, including WhatsApp Web, as well as apps for Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac.
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To get the new sticker pack, just follow these simple steps:
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Once the pack is downloaded, it will appear in the WhatsApp Stickers section. From there, you can choose from stickers, GIFs, or animations to send to your contacts.
Sharing the new stickers with your contacts is equally easy. Here's what you need to do:
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In addition to WhatsApp's official stickers, users can explore other third-party sticker packs available on the Google Play Store. To download them, simply search for "Happy New Year 2025 stickers" on the Play Store. Once downloaded, open the app and click the "Add to WhatsApp" option. Then, go to a chat window, select the sticker pack, and choose a sticker to send.
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