X has announced the rollout of labels designed to distinguish parody or satire accounts from other profiles on its platform. This move aims to prevent users from mistaking posts by parodying accounts as authentic statements from individuals or organisations. The label will appear on both the account's profile and its posts.
In a statementshared on its platform, X said the labels aim to enhance transparency and help users identify accounts that depict others for satirical or commentary purposes. Users can add the label to their profiles by navigating to the “Parody, commentary and fan account” option under Settings and Privacy > Your account > Account information.
We're rolling out profile labels for parody accounts to clearly distinguish these types of accounts and their content on our platform. We designed these labels to increase transparency and to ensure that users are not deceived into thinking such accounts belong to the entity…
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The company's description of the label notes that it is intended for accounts portraying individuals, groups, or organisations in ways meant to discuss, satirise, or share information about them. X emphasised that these labels would reduce confusion and ensure users do not mistakenly associate parody accounts with the entities they mimic, TechCrunchreported.
While the labels are currently optional, X plans to release details about when they will become mandatory for parody accounts. The platform's authenticity policy prohibits impersonation but permits parody, commentary, and fan accounts if they comply with the rules.
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The idea of parody labels surfaced in November when reverse engineers spotted X working on the feature. This development follows instances where parody posts were misinterpreted as genuine
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