Perks are special buffs in a Zombies match of , with Death Perception being one of the many you can get. This Perk-A-Cola flavor was originally one of the hardest to acquire, but Season 2 sees The Tomb map have a dedicated machine for this type of buff. With the right Augments, you can bolster the effects of Death Perception to pierce through any deception.
Death Perception is the ninth Perk-A-Cola flavor in Zombies, but players were only able to get its unique buff from Der Wunderfizz machines at first. With Season 2 of , you can now visit The Tomb, a new Zombies map with a Death Perception machine. Like other cola dispensers, you can exchange Essence for Death Perception and accumulate more currency to upgrade it later.
On most maps, you can only get Death Perception through the Der Wunderfizz machines mentioned earlier, but The Tomb map holds this Perk in a specific location. Death Perception is found in The Tombs portion of The Tomb map, in a point of interest named after the entire area. When you spawn in The Tomb at the Dig Site, use Essence to open the northwestern path to head further down into the crypts below.
The Tomb is the newest Zombies map in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, with new locations for Wall-Buys that can help you start off a match well-equipped.
Once you do this, you should be able to spot the Death Perception Perk-A-Cola machine along the wall next to a statue holding a shield. This statue will be on your left as you travel into The Tombs, glowing bright red and casting an orange glow on the wall behind it. Once you have bought this Perk in for the first time, you'll be able to start researching it for various upgrades.
To start researching Death Perception, wait until after you have completed or failed the Zombies match where you first found it. Afterward, go to the section of the Zombies menu before starting a match and select the new Perk to start upgrading it over time.
When you drink Death Perception, you gain the ability to detect enemies