The gacha game mechanics of are a way for players try their luck at getting pieces of outfit sets by spending either resonite crystals or revelation crystals in a random pull from banners. The resonite crystals can be used on permanent banners, meaning that they are sets that are going to continue to be available for people to work on collecting. However, the revelation crystals are much more precious, working on the limited-time event banners which change regularly.
While players can spend real-world money on purchasing crystals, there are several ways to earn both varieties of crystal through playing. Currently, as part of the Shooting Star Season, there is a special Starwish Gift event which gives players revelation crystals each day they log in to claim them. Originally, events like this would offer revelation crystals that had a little hourglass symbol on them that showed they would disappear after a short time if they were not used.
As Reddit user nomnomchezburgers pointed out recently, the revelation crystals shown in the Starwish Gift rewards do not include those hourglass symbols, which means they are no longer for limited-time use. This is a wonderful change for those who want to save crystals for a banner that really appeals to them.
Not every banner appeals to every player, which can make it feel like a waste of revelation crystals when players are pushed with a sense of urgency to use their crystals immediately on a limited-time banner that may not be something that they want. Being able to save crystals to spend on the next banner, or any future banner that really stands out to them, has made commenters on nomnomchezburger's post very happy. Many people, such as dietypuppkats, even lost out on previous crystals due to not understanding the limited nature of them.
The recent news that previous banners will be coming back for a rerun makes this adjustment even more exciting, with players now saving up these revelation crystals for when the previous