From the beginning of , the party is aided by a mysterious figure known as the Dream Guardian. As the story unfolds, more is revealed about this strange person protecting the group from the Absolute. However, the twist to this character is better and deeper than anyone could have imagined, leading to some interesting story choices later in the game.
[Warning: This article contains spoilers for Baldur's Gate 3.]
is a wonderfully complex game packed with nuanced traveling companions and genuinely three-dimensional villains. Throughout the story, there are difficult choices to be made, all of which can lead to many different endings for . Some of these choices involve the Dream Guardian, with their real identity playing a key role in whether or not the party trusts and saves them.
Related: Baldur's Gate 3: What Is Withers' Real Identity?
The Emperor is the true identity of the Dream Guardian, who can be customized during character creation. After the start of Act 3, the Emperor will appear in their true form for all further interactions with the party, gradually opening up more with there even being an option for a small romance with them. But just who is the Emperor really, and why should they be sided with during a crucial point in is still left a mystery until later on.
There are three points where a choice needs to be made regarding the Dream Guardian who has been protecting the party. The first comes when visiting the githyanki creche at the end of Act One when Vlaakith asks the party to go into the Astral Prism to kill whoever is inside. At this point, the Dream Guardian will still be appearing in the form chosen during character creation, but there is the option to try to kill them. This is not advised as they will