Google recently announced its new Android 14 update on October 4 alongside the Pixel 8 series. Since then users have been eagerly waiting to install the latest operating system update. The roll-out timeline for Samsung and other brands is yet to be announced however, it may come to your Samsung smartphone very soon. Android 14 beta testing is being conducted currently, and now, the official release is not far.
According to the SamMobile report, Galaxy S23 series owners will be the first to experience Android 14 and One UI 6.0 on their smartphones before the end of October. Later other eligible Samsung smartphones such as foldables, previous generation phones, etc, will also be able to update their smartphones gradually. As per reports, there are no big changes in the new Android 14 however, users may see some new features.
After the launch of Android 14, only Google Pixel users got the new OS update, now in a few days, other Samsung users will also be able to experience the latest update by Google. The company was first expecting the announcement of Android 14 last August, however, the launch was delayed at the last moment.
The new Android update includes some new features such as Per-app language preferences, Regional preferences, font scaling up to 200%, Camera and media improvements, health connect, Credential Manager, and much more. Furthermore, users will be able to separate their work and personal accounts. With Android 14, users will be able to customize their lock screen and home screen.
Once the Android 14 version is released, you'll get a notification on your device. Then you will be instructed to install the update. Then your device will automatically restart itself to integrate the new operating system and make