There have been remakes of many classic titles from , but two of the franchise’s games would likely lose a signature feature in any modernized versions. As a result, such a remake project would fundamentally change the experience of playing these games when compared to their original versions. However, although this removal would be a significant break from the classic experience, there is still an understandable reason for making such a change.
Notable past remakes of games include and, which have introduced some of the franchise’s most iconic games to new generations. Of course, there are still games that deserve remakes of their own, allowing them to remain accessible long after their original releases. Fortunately, there are indications that at least one remake is planned for the Switch 2 already, indicating the franchise will continue to update its older titles alongside releasing brand-new games. Although with that being said, these same updates could have a dramatic effect on the gameplay of any title.
and are unique entries in the franchise. The games are intended to be played in sequence in what is called a Linked Game. This feature is facilitated through the use of a password generated at the end of the first game played. While both titles are fully enjoyable on their own, only linking them together to form a continuous narrative unlocks their combined true ending, in which Koume and Kotake kidnap Princess Zelda in an attempt to resurrect Ganon. Modern remakes, however, would arguably not need this feature.
There was originally intended to be a third game, reflecting the three aspects of the Triforce. However, linking three titles proved too complex to execute in development and so the third game was canceled.
Selling remakes of the games as separate titles could easily work against Nintendo, as the cost could put many people from buying both. Considering the significance of Linked Games, many would therefore be dissuaded from buying either title, as they