is the much-anticipated sequel to 2016’s animated buddy cop comedy Zootopia and is set to further expand the fictional universe introduced in the first movie. One of the new characters the sequel will feature is a snake named, voiced by Oscar-winner. The character appears in a new Chinese poster alongside Ginnifer Goodwin’s Judy Hopps, Jason Bateman’s Nick Wild, and more.
Disney marked the beginning of 2025 and the upcoming Year of the Snake (from January 29, 2025, to February 16, 2026) by releasing a new Zootopia poster in China. Ke Huy Quan’s Gary, a blue viper, appears in the poster wearing a red scarf. The poster was shared by Jared Bush, the Chief Creative Officer of Walt Disney Animation Studios, on X (formerly Twitter).
So thankful to all of the <a href=«» https:>#Moana2
fans who made this a record year for <a href=«» https:>@DisneyAnimation and so excited to pass the baton to <a href=«» https:>#Zootopia2 – hitting theaters in 2025… which will officially ring in the YEAR OF THE SNAKE. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! ❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️
The poster also features Judy, Nick, Idris Elba’s Chief Bogo, Maurice LaMarche’s Mr. Big, Nate Torrence’s Benjamin Clawhauser, and several other characters from the first movie. Quan’s casting in the Zootopia sequel was originally announced during the Disney Entertainment Showcase at D23 in August 2024.
Goodwin revealed at the time that snakes in the Zootopia universe had “a shady past.” She added that Gary could send the heroes “on a whole new mission.” She also referred to Quan’s character as “creepy, slithery, [and] highly venomous” (via The Direct).
It’s unclear whether Gary will serve as a primary antagonist in the movie, but given how prominently he appears in the new poster, he will likely be an important part of the story. The plot of the first Zootopia