Fans of the pre-Age of Sigmar Warhammer setting will be excited to know that Games Workshop has started to show off the rules for the upcoming Warhammer: The Old World.
If you have been desperate to find out more about the upcoming return to rank and flank gaming in the Warhammer universe, then GW has recently been ramping up the hype machine. We got a peek at the upcoming Bretonnia range in mid-October, and a new Warhammer Community post is giving us our first look at the rules.
The new post reveals that turns will be broken up into the Strategy Phase, the Movement Phase, the Shooting Phase, and the Combat Phase, and then goes on to give a pretty detailed breakdown of the Strategy Phase.
The Strategy Phase will be broken down into further sub-phases. “Start of Turn” will give players a chance to resolve assorted special actions or take tests. The example given is that Stone Trolls will need to take a Stupidity test. Other units might only appear on the table during this sub-phase, or you might resolve a victory condition. After that comes the Command sub-phase that will allow you to use special rules for Characters.
The third phase, known as Conjuration, will allow players to cast two different types of spells, Enhancements and Hexes. Enhancements will buff your allies, while Hexes will nerf your enemies. There are other types of magic in the game, but it would seem that those can be cast whenever their result is the most relevant. So, a spell that moves a unit would be cast in the Movement Phase, and so on.
The final sub-phase in the Strategy Phase is “Rally Fleeing Troops.” This is when you try to get whatever ragtag remnants of your units are still left under control so that they don’t try and quit the field of