So, we all just got Rick-rolled, then.
Nuh-vidia, hey?
Here we go...
Uh-oh. Ten minute delay has just been announced. Where's Jen-Hsun?
What sort of AI generated video/musical accompaniment are we going to get treated with to kick this thing off, then?
Starting to fill up nicely in here now.
Aaaaand… I'm in.
I was told by an Nvidia rep that the Michelob Ultra Arena was just going to be playing Bill WIthers' 'Lovely Day' on loop for the next hour or so. But it's waaay worse.
Because Jen-Hsun doesn't like beach balls. Hates 'em. It was in that book and everything.
It's a long road...
What do you think are the odds that we'll actually get pricing tonight? Given it's often the most contentious part of a new GPU launch, and also the part that is regularly the last to be cemented in place, I'm going to bet we don't.
I reckon it'll be a few specs, such as VRAM and maybe some shaders, and then a launch date.
So glad I swiped some water from backstage at the AMD keynote… the constant air-con is drying me up inside and out.
The doors have now opened, and we're slowly plodding in towards the arena now. And the 4G network is taking a pounding so who knows if this update is even going to get saved at this point...
I'm already tired. Someone send me a Redbull...
(other energy drinks are available)
I've already been queuing for half an hour and it's still nearly two hours until it kicks off. I don't even know how far along this press line I am...
AMD's RDNA 4 GPUs are about efficiency in terms of performance and price: 'We know where gamers buy products, it's well below that $1,000 price point'
AMD says 'the performance data out there for RDNA 4 is completely inaccurate'
BioShock maestro Ken Levine says Judas will double down on reacting to player choices because it's the future of games: 'I've never been a big fan of cutscenes because they're not interactive'