Released in 1997, DOOM 64 was developed and published by Midway Games and was considered the pinnacle of the series at the time, despite being a spin-off. Decades later, it was ported to PS4 in 2020 by Nightdive Studios and included as a pre-order bonus for DOOM Eternal. According to an updated ESRB listing, it now looks like it's coming natively to PS5.
The listing, spotted by GameRant, suggests that a reveal may be imminent. Submitting a title to the ESRB is one of the final tasks necessary to ship a game, and developers need to ensure that the associated label on the box is as accurate as possible. We can't imagine what major improvements it would feature, as the PS4 version, running on PS5, is already capable of a locked 60fps at 2160p; we suppose we shall just have to wait and see.
Did anyone ask for Dong DOOM?
Have you played DOOM 64 before? Would you be interested in a native PS5 version? Face your demons in the comments section below.
Khayl Adam is Push Square's roving Australian correspondent, a reporter tasked with scouring the internet for the richest, most succulent PlayStation stories. With six years of experience as a freelance journalist and mercenary wordsmith, RPGs are his first great love, but strategy and tactics games are a close second, genres in which he is only too happy to specialize.
Love DOOM 64. Will gladly take an improved version. Hopefully it includes extra content and levels.
«We can't imagine what major improvements it would feature, as the PS4 version, running on PS5, is already capable of a locked 60fps at 2160p»
Well that's easy >
Unfortunately for me, most of these revised optimized boomer shooters don't hold up. Power Slave, and maybe DOOM 93 have been alright. But eh. I wish they were all in VR, for Quest 3 or PSVR2.
Doom 1 + 2 were rereleased by Nightdive w modding tools, etc. Maybe they are rereleasing Doom 64 with modding tools. Sounds good to me. I wonder if Unseen Evil had something to do with this, if anything I'm