All three Team GO Rocket Leaders return to for February 2025, including Sierra, with a new look team for trainers to challenge. After Team GO Rocket took over last month as part of the special Fashion Week: Taken Over event, they continue to cause problems, appearing at PokeStops and in Rocket Balloons.
While not as tough as Boss Giovanni, Sierra still provides one of the hardest tests in. To beat her in February 2025, you must set up a team that counters her lineup by using Pokémon that are super-effective. After defeating six grunts, you can take on any of the three Team Go Rocket Leaders, including Sierra.
Four changes have been made to Sierra's lineup from January 2025, including her lead Pokémon. For February, she will always lead with Poison- and Bug-type Skorupi. It shouldn't provide too many problems for trainers, but her next two selections might. For her second and third choices, she will always randomly pick one of three Pokémon. If you do get a match-up that doesn't suit your team, you can always leave the battle and try again later, when a different trio will be used.
All of Sierra's Pokémon for February will be Shadow variants, giving them higher CP in battle.
Her second choice will be one out of Water-type Milotic, Fire-type Ninetales, or Steel- and Grass-type Ferrothorn. The toughest part of the battle will be her final Pokemon, regardless of which one she selects, making it imperative that you save a Pokémon for last that will be super-effective against her. Her final choice will be between Dark- and Fire-type Houndoom, Poison- and Ground-type Nidoqueen, or Poison-- and Dark-type Drapion.
Pokémon and type
(Shadow) Skorupi — Poison/Bug
Fire, Flying, Psychic, Rock
(Shadow) Milotic — Water
Electric, Grass
(Shadow) Ninetales — Fire
Rock, Ground, Water
(Shadow) Ferrothorn — Steel/Grass
(Shadow) Houndoom — Dark/Fire
Fighting, Ground, Rock, Water
(Shadow) Nidoqueen — Poison/Ground
Ground, Ice, Psychic, Water