Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood centers around the alchemist's struggle to obtain the ultimate knowledge that lies behind the Truth (with a capital T). Those who are successful in their search are those who demonstrate an understanding and compassion for their fellow human beings.
The Truth first appears as a mysterious white sprite enveloped in black, and is someone who seems to have all the answers whever Edward or Alphonse find themselves inside the portal of truth. When Father (also known as the Dwarf in the Flask), Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood's main antagonist, ultimately fails in his goal to become God, he asks the Truth, «Who the hell do you think you are?» to which the Truth responds, «I'm the existence which you all refer to as 'the world'»
9 Best Shonen Anime To Watch If You Love Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Father goes about his goal of becoming God by purging himself of the sins of man (Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, and Pride), and he treats other human beings as objects to be observed rather than creatures with their own unique sets of beliefs and experiences. In contrast, Edward and Alphonse Elric realize with the help of their teacher that «One is All and All is One» early in their alchemy training. A realization that enables them to see even the smallest ant as a part of the larger world. These two different approaches to unlocking the Truth are also present in each alchemist's approach to the philosopher's stone.
Father, Kimblee, and pretty much every other villain from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood view the philosopher's stone as a weapon or tool that can be used to enforce the user's will. None of the show's antagonists care at all about the human sacrifice that's necessary to
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