Look, I know that comparing every action RPG with difficult enemies and precise timing to Dark Souls or Bloodborne is played out. The word «Soulslike» is thrown around a lot in the current era of the industry, as the sheer volume of games trying to get a slice of From Software's pie is not easy to ignore. However, I hope that in this one particular instance, you will forgive me for indulging in this trope, because I just have to get the next line off of my chest:
Eternights, the debut game from Studio Sai, is what would happen if Dark Souls was anime…and also horny .
I got hands-on time with the game both at Summer Game Fest and an extended preview demo that took me through the game's first two acts. It starts with the protagonist – whom the player is free to name, I chose «Cheeks» to stay on brand – being bombarded with questions by his friend Chani in regards to a dating app. Chani is, uh, really into dating and girls and all that, to the point where it's all he talks about.
After some questions and a brief look at a commercial for a pop star named Yuna's concert, Cheeks is free to roam around his apartment before getting some shut-eye. There aren't many interactable elements in the room, but one of them is, naturally, the tissue box strategically placed next to the PC on the desk. When he interacts with it, the dialogue box simply says, «well, at least I have you, tissue box.» Teenagers, am I right?
This type of humor is rampant throughout these first two acts. When the world devolves into madness and people infected with a mysterious ailment begin attacking, Chani and Cheeks find themselves in one of many «safe rooms» located in a subway station. Chani, ever the good friend, brought the «essentials» – a
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