connects the classic stories of the franchise with a more animated style and an intriguing new story with plenty of choices to be made. This installation of the franchise follows the player character, Rook, on their journey across Thedas while they deal with a couple of ancient gods, Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain, that have escaped their prison of darkness. It is the player's job to protect the world once again and become the ultimate defender of the realm, The Veilguard.
While there are many choices to be made, one of the seemingly most important choices to be made is confronting Solas, the Elven mage who was previously a companion in Depending on which path players choose to follow with Varric, another returning character from earlier games, they witness the destruction of relationships and beliefs about the world in seconds. One of the primary story quests, «The End of the Beginning», explores the hard choices that must be made when considering each character's past and how it affects their future.
When first given the choice to support or go against Varric's plan, characters are at the Ritual Site and being faced with waves of demons. Varric suggests that Solas needs to be presented with another option, as Solas must not be aware of the damage he is causing by trying to close the Veil. If players side with Varric, he tries to speak to Solas but is unfortunately unsuccessful in winning him over at first. Following this, Rook and either Neve or Harding attempt and fail to interrupt the ritual, and Varric gets stabbed.
The kingdoms and figures of Dragon Age look to the real world to create some of the series' most iconic myths and legends. What are its influences?
Even though Neve and Harding have different opinions on Varric's actions, Varric ultimately feels like he has let Rook down by failing to stop Solas. Depending on which companion you choose to assist with the pillar, the alternate companion getting the rest of the party to safety, Varric included. While