presents some difficult challenges with its boss fights, and especially when playing in Honour Mode, any one of these encounters can be deadly. While some players may be fine with dying and trying again to experiment with different strategies, that is not always an option on certain playthroughs where one death can mean the loss of the whole save. It can be smart, and sometimes necessary, to find creative and outside-the-box ways to bring down some of these foes.
There are many ways thatplayers can exploit or «cheese» specific encounters by taking advantage of game mechanics or glitches. And while Larian is pretty active in patching and adding to the game, making some cheese strategies no longer viable, there are still plenty that can help to make the most deadly fights in a cakewalk. These 10 methods can be used to get the party past big bosses or difficult moments in the game, allowing them to progress and possibly even saving their party from deletion.
One of the first difficult encounters in Act One comes when the party reaches the goblin camp, and is tasked with killing the three leaders of the horde. Those are priestess Gut, the hobgoblin Dror Ragzlin, and Nightwarden Minthara, who all must be slain for the tiefling refugees to be able to travel safely to Baldur's Gate. Fighting them ordinarily is no easy feat, since they are surrounded by goblin minions, and the three of them have some powerful spells and abilities that can kill low-level parties.
Thanks to a giant Patch 5, good-aligned Baldur's Gate 3 players can now recruit Minthara. However, recruiting her involves some very specific steps.
But there's a well-known exploit to kill three birds with one stone: a rickety bridge inside the camp that can be broken to drop anyone on it to their death. Minthara is standing almost right next to it, making her an easy target for players to lure on to the dangerous structure and drop her into the abyss. But Ragzlin and Gut can also be brought across the camp using