The Tanto .22 is an SMG only seen in the Black Ops series and returns for . It's great for aggressive players but can also do well in longer ranges. It's the weapon for those who want the power and easy maneuverability of an SMG but also the reliability that tends to come from assault rifle-type weapons. It has more than earned its reputation for being reliable and powerful in the right hands.
That doesn't mean the Tanto .22 is easy to use. Its unique recoil pattern can be challenging to control, and some players have reported experiencing issues with bullet connectivity, feeling as though their shots aren't always registering as hits. With the right loadout, you can be a pretty unstoppable force. Keep in mind that while any loadout can be modified, the Tanto .22 needs a lot of help just to be reliable, yet there's a great reason many consider this to be the best weapon in the game, especially in a nostalgic map like Nuketown.
The best attachments for your Tanto .22 will revolve around making up for its faults in. This weapon is made for an aggressive player who knows when to switch to defensive positions. The Tanto .22 is one of the best weapons in the game, but a few things make it even more powerful. So, you should be wary about switching out any of these attachments for some you think would be better.
What It Does
Volzhskiy Reflex
It's easy to see through and helps with the Tanto's unusual kick.
Muzzle Break
This attachment helps control the Tanto's recoil
Rear Grip
Assault Grip
This helps increase sprint-to-fire speed, which tends to be lacking in the game
Balance Stock
This increases movement speed, aim walking speed and overall mobility.
Fire Mod
Rapid Fire
This is essential for the Tanto. While it's good at medium and long range, rapid fire is needed to outgun other close-range weapons like the Jackal and MP5.
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