When the PTR for Phase 4 in Season of Discovery went live, a new World Event called Blackrock Eruption was discovered by some players. At the time we only knew its name, but with the latest Development Notes for the Phase 4 PTR we now have more information! You can find the complete Development Notes just below, or keep reading for more information on the new World Event.
Season of Discovery Phase 4 PTR Development Notes
The event will be on a 2-hour timer, and to begin with, will be taking place in Searing Gorge.
In a later update, the event will also move into the Burning Steppes. In addition to new enemies and «environmental hazards», there will be new Daily Quests available at Thorium Point.
These quests will presumably be leading you to defeat these new enemies.
Blackrock Eruption doesn't seem to have any new currencies, but instead, it is intended to be an additional source of reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood and Hydraxian Waterlords factions.
Blizzard says that the event is «meant to be a lightweight optional activity to supplement endgame reputation gain and gain a bit of gold». It's also described as a «very modest daily investment of time», so don't expect this event to take up a majority of your time.
If you however are into World PvP, there is an incentive being added to engage in that type of content inside of Blackrock Mountain.
You won't gain any Honor at all from World PvP in Searing Gorge or Burning Steppes, to detract from disruption during the event, and instead lead those who want to PvP into the Mountain itself with a «large bonus to honor gained while inside of Blackrock Mountain».
Blizzard's hope seems to be to give PvP players an area where they are highly rewarded for engaging in World PvP, while at the same time allowing players who don't want to get killed to stay in the Blackrock Eruption event area and farm their reputations.
Here are the notes specifically speaking about the Blackrock Eruption event: