Netflix's Daredevil is a massively beloved series from Marvel. Daredevil had not originally aired as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but official announcements and a surprising guest appearance has determined that the blind lawyer from Hell's Kitchen will now play a part in it in some capacity.
Matt Murdock's unique sense-related abilities and brutal martial-arts combat is common in many iterations of the character. Daredevil fans have wished for the day that they would see him in his own title since rumors of a standalone Daredevil game have stirred. However, while Daredevil has yet to receive his own title, a mod has been found that depicts what that experience could look like in the meantime.
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Recently, a Batman: Arkham City mod from 2019 has resurfaced through fans' discovery. In it, Daredevil from Netflix's titular series is playable. The mod's author, whose usernames are Batflekk and Batfleck, created the Daredevil mod with "Texmod and photoshop" to render the character. The Daredevil mod is essentially a reskin of the Red Robin alternate costume for Robin in Batman: Arkham City, with the Marvel character's color palette and other distinctive features built atop it as a foundation.
Daredevil's maroon-and-black color scheme defines Netflix's iteration of the character, and he is easily identifiable in the mod with the patterns and lining that Batflekk has detailed him with. Red Robin is then modded to feature red cowl lenses with two black spots on his forehead where Daredevil's cowl would normally have tiny, protruded horns. Further, Batflekk has also rendered a mod of Daredevil onto Batman's character model from