Twenty years ago, Colin Farrell starred in Phone Booth, a psychological thriller directed by the late Joel Schumacher. This feature revolves around a self-centered publicist named Stuart «Stu» Shepherd, who's held captive in a New York City phone booth by a mysterious sniper. As Stu, Farrell delivers his best and most intense performance as a man who firmly believes he's in control of his career until his hostage crisis humbles him and changes the course of his life.
Farrell is also accompanied by a great supporting cast, including Forest Whitaker as a police captain who understands that Stu's situation isn't what it seems, and Kiefer Sutherland (who has previously worked with Schumacher in the horror film The Lost Boys and the courtroom drama A Time To Kill) provides menace and dark comedy as the anonymous caller who holds Stu at gunpoint. The thriller was not only well-received critically, but it was also a major box-office success, earning nearly $100 million worldwide with a budget of $13 million. Schumacher's film also resembles an Alfred Hitchcock whodunit thriller due to the elements of murder committed by a mysterious killer.
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Colin Farrell hit his peak in the early 2000s when he starred in action films such as Daredevil and S.W.A.T. He also worked with Schumacher before on the war film Tigerland, which put Farrell on notice as a major star. Phone Booth gave Farrell an opportunity to go even further as a lead actor by portraying a conflicted protagonist who initially isn't very likable, and occupies most of the film's screen time.
Stuart «Stu» Shepherd is one of those wealthy guys who does what he pleases, ordering people around, and being snobbish and profane to