An animated series based on the hit game Among Us has been greenlit by CBS Studios. As reported by Variety and confirmed by developer Innersloth, the new show will be spearheaded by Owen Dennis, the creator of Cartoon Network and HBO Max’s Infinity Train. The Among Us show will follow the basic plot of the game, namely an alien imposter infiltrating a spaceship, sabotaging daily activities, and killing the crewmates.
The hidden-role game debuted in 2018 but rose to popularity in 2020, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Indoors-bound, many took to virtual spaces — the space stations of Among Us included — to socialize with friends.
Beyond the vague premise, there is no clear storyline to Among Us. There are also no set characters, since everyone basically plays their own crewmate (which can be customized with color and accessories). But if there is one thing Dennis did brilliantly in Infinity Train, it was make the setting a vivid and integral part of the story. And the distinct areas with their specific tasks in each Among Us map are definitely ripe with potential.
The Among Us show will be animated by Titmouse, known for shows likeBig MouthandThe Legend of Vox Machina. There is no network or streaming service set just yet.