Many have tried to determine the most powerful character builds and foes within; however, that is not what the goal is here. This list is not about creating strong player characters, nor is it about discovering the most dangerous enemies one can encounter. This list is about the biggest numbers possible. Here, we will determinethe most damaging attacks has to offer, both from players and NPCs.
[Warning: Spoilers for certain events and encounters in Baldur's Gate 3.]
First, to set some criteria: the goal is to find the action, bonus action, or reaction in the game that deals the highest possible damage to a living creature, given optimal conditions, and average dice rolls, while not considering glitches or patched-out techniques. Attacks that damage multiple creatures can be counted, but only the damage dealt to one creature will be tallied; otherwise, there would be too many variables to consider with the number of summons present during an attack. Without further ado, these are the 10 strongest attacks in .
First on the list is , a ninth-level spell players can use to instantly kill an enemy. It sounds pretty strong, but in practice, is weaker than one may believe. The spell can be used against a creature within 60 feet of the caster, and if the creature has 100 hit points or fewer, it dies without a saving throw or attack roll ever being made. The spell is a reward only available to the Dark Urge Origin character, in the event that they slay Orin the Red and become Bhaal's Chosen.
While the lack of any kind of save or attack makes this spell incredibly reliable, it does only work on creatures with less than 101 hit points. That may sound like a lot, but late-game bosses typically have close to three times that or more, and high-level characters can routinely dish out 100 damage in a round working together. deserves a spot on the list, but essentially sets a bar that everything else manages to leap over.
Paladins are often considered the best single-target damage