No surprises here: one fan-made mimic cosplay has fans feeling wonderfully uncomfortable. The mimic is a staple of RPGs, a monster disguised as an innocent treasure chest. Players lower their guard, thinking they're about to get a free item, only to discover that the treasure chest was a trap.
In most RPGs, the mimic monster resembles the chest it's impersonating, with the lid acting as a mouth opening up to bite the unsuspecting adventurer. takes it a step into the uncanny valley by giving its mimic design a humanoid body with arms reaching out from inside the chest. Redditor trashpersocom has managed to capture the essence of the mimic perfectly with their accurately creepy cosplay of the monster, down to the disgustingly long and veiny tongue protruding from between the arms.
The mimic costume features the Redditor in full-body shadowy black, with a treasure chest sitting just under their shoulders, their arms reaching out from inside, and the iconic pointed and wet-looking tongue reaching down to past their waist. The attention to detail is incredible, as they even include the chain attached to the chest on one side. The Redditor's head is clad in complete black, making it nearly impossible to see against the interior of the treasure chest.
The costume mimic's teeth are made of finger bones, and while this may seem like a creative way to craft large and scary teeth, it's actually canonical. The mimic's teeth are, in fact, made of humanoid bones.
Fans arepraising the cosplay while expressing their discomfort toward it, often in the same sentence. Reddit user Birds_N_Stuff says, "" Fellow Redditor BlooOwlBaba agrees, stating: "" Many others echo the sentiment, which can best be summed up with the memed phrase «thanks, I hate it»—in the best possible way.
Video game fans who cosplay often put accuracy ahead of their own comfort, and this mimic cosplayer is no exception. When asked by another Redditor if they have to keep their arms up the entire time that they're