If you are looking for some answers on today’s puzzle, you can spoon some up from these hints and tricks. This puzzle felt a little easier to me than yesterday’s,but that was because I was also more familiar with all of these categories. Whereas yesterday I only just slipped in for the win, today I was much more confident. However, that is due to my own experience, not because of my puzzle skills which were proven lacking the last two days. Now, I can give you clues that will help you feel as confident as I did.
If you are looking for a fun puzzle that doesn’t take too long, you should try out the NYT’s puzzle. Depending on the difficulty, it usually takes me just a couple of minutes to solve and is a nice filler when I’m in between tasks. It feels more productive than other things I could be doing, like staring at the wall, and it is not as time-consuming as the other version of the crossword puzzle. It’s a great little puzzle, and one that you should try out if you miss the one in the daily newspaper.
If you need more clues for today’s puzzle, you are in the right place. There is not a lot of crossover in this one, and for the most part, the words do feel like they should go together. There are a couple words that could make you question where they belong, but if your instinct is pointing you in a particular direction with this one, you should go for it.
The Tiles game for the New York Times mobile app asks you to use various strategies to pair matching visual patterns together to build huge combos.
If you still need a few nudges,there are plenty waiting for you up ahead in the box below and in the spoilers later.
This category is about size, and it was the second category I solved today. I think MONSTER is one of the words that may potentially trick you, particularly if you haven’t solved the last category yet. However,it was the only other word that had anything
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