The Bard is one of the most versatile classes in , but has some specific spells you should be using over others. As a Charisma-focused class, Bards are typically seen as masters of persuasion and romance, but are also very effective in combat thanks to their wide array of spells.
While not a traditional magic class like Mage and Sorcerer, Bards have access to over 50 different spells in This vast spellbook makes the Bard class a powerful option for multi-class characters that want to buff allies or slow down enemies, or for a Pure Bard to give out lots of healing while also dealing damage.
Available right at the start of the game, Tasha's Hideous Laughter is an essential spell for Bards to have on hand in the early stages of. In the game's first act, knocking enemies prone and not letting them get up is a highly effective way to make combat easier.
When a character is Prone in, they have disadvantage on strength and dexterity saving throws. Characters can use the Help action to remove the Prone status effect on another.
Tasha's Hideous Laughter does just that, knocking an enemy creature prone for ten turns if they fail a Wisdom saving throw. Tasha's Hideous Laughter also remains an effective spell throughout, thanks to its low casting cost and because it isn't limited to a specific creature type. It does require concentration for the effect to stay applied, but as long as the player is careful in choosing who to inflict the laughter on, this is a great choice for Bards.
Another must-have spell for Bards at the start of is Heroism, which is crucial for giving the party's frontline characters the extra protection they need to be effective. When a party member is enchanted with Heroism, they become immune to being Frightened and they gain 5 temporary hit points each turn.
Baldur's Gate 3 is the latest and greatest window into the world of D&D, and got a long term player like me to finally care about the world of Faerûn.
In the early stages of, party members are less